“Weather is coming.” To produce their GUARDIAN commercial, Cloverdale “painted” a stormy, medieval world. They peopled it with durable, defensive knights. And they requested a confident read that exuded protective strength.
When I voice documentaries, I try to convey the factual information along with some interpretive emotion. This demo celebrates the strength of American steel. It calls for a strong, confident read.
No, this one wasn’t about lining up “Lucky 7s” on one-armed bandits. Instead, it was a demo TV spot voiceover leveraging the strength of storytelling. It explores various hypotheses about why JEEPs have seven slots on their front grills.
I’ve said it before. I won a Hollywood award for this documentary. I believe I got the award because of the absolute awe you can hear in my voice, as I read the script.
“Dude, if the scapegoat ever goes extinct, who we gonna blame?” Good question, and one I cannot answer! I’m thankful, again, for getting to narrate another international commercial featuring crazy conversation between sippers of Jeremiah Weed spiced iced tea. Play the video to be entertained!
The opportunity to be the voice on multiple national broadcast campaigns is “never ordinary.” It’s also never mine alone. Thank you to the Bet365 team, along with my agent, producers and our broadcast audiences for making it happen. Play the video and see what we mean by “never ordinary.”
“Don’t let anything stand between you… and performing at your best.” How would you read that? Play the video for my take on it! The opportunity to be the voice on this powerful and exciting national broadcast campaign is thanks to the Shell team, along with my agent, producers and our broadcast audiences.
See how this commercial communicated the idea of some extremely protective paint called GUARDIAN. The opportunity to be the voice on many national broadcast campaigns – including this Cloverdale commercial about its very tough paint -- is thanks to the Cloverdale team, my agent, producers and our broadcast audiences.
“Did you ever notice that WEB spelled backwards makes a super sweet laser noise?” Me, neither. I’m thankful, however, for getting to narrate this international commercial capturing a crazy conversation between sippers of Jeremiah Weed spiced iced tea. Thanks to the JW team, my agent, producers and our broadcast audiences. Now play the video to hear that crazy noise!
I’m grateful for the opportunity to voice this spot: “Call CHIP today, and live retirement your way.” I like how it rhymed. Hear how I read it! This national campaign is thanks to the CHIP team, along with my agents, producers and those broadcast audiences who are determined to live retirement their way!
I want to thank Cloverdale Paint for the opportunity to voice their GUARDIAN Paint commercial. The production standards for the TV spot were so very high, and I gave it my all!
Believe it or not, this image is from a TV commercial I voiced for a dental clinic. I love my work, in part, because of the diversity of subject matter. In TV commercials, the visuals can add another dimension.
“Discover the finest vodka from Siberia, inspired by the discovery of the Yukagir Mammoth.” The WHAT?! The MAMONT Vodka brand “embodies the spirit of adventure, celebrates the epic moments in life: an inspiration to push harder, travel further and discover more.” I choose adventure too!
When you tell people you’ve done voiceover work for major, global brands, they often say: “Really? Let’s hear it!” To which I am proud to say: Click Here >
I love my job. Especially when it comes to the Calgary Stampede. Can you tell? Ten days announcing Freestyle Motocross for Monster Energy at the Calgary Stampede.
Maybe you’d better play the video and then answer that question!
What happened to the big, bass-baritone radio guy voice? I think today’s listeners are more interested in down-to-earth authenticity and non-selling, storytelling brand narratives. They’re saying: “Tell us a story!” Please listen to this interview snippet and see if you agree with my point of view.
I’m convinced that I won the Hollywood award for my narration in this documentary because I felt truly in awe. Can you hear it in my voice? Play the Antarctica trailer!
My Dad is Cooler Than Your Dad
It's great to have fans. But you gotta' love a testimonial like this: "My dad is cooler than your dad!" Check out why she thinks that in her video.
I love my job. Can you tell? Maybe you’d better play the video and then answer that question!
Check out all of my demos here!
I like to talk business. Do you? Please check out my interview with Mario Toneguzzi and let me know if you agree with my point of view!
Check out all of my demos here!
How would you say these event opening lines: “Live, from Los Angeles... Please welcome your host for this evening: Beyonce!” Here’s my take.
Check out all of my demos here!
The best documentaries tell powerful stories. To do that, you need a collaborative, directable narrator who can bring versatility and creativity to the process. Or so I’ve been told (nudge, nudge)!
How would you say this event opener: “The final results were placed in sealed envelopes and revealed on tonight’s show.” Here’s my take on it.
Check out all of my demos here!
How would you say this narration’s opening line: “Steel gives rise to the icons of American architecture.” Here’s my take on it.
Check out all of my demos here!
How come I’m talking about tips for swingers? I’d love to tell you but I’m sworn to secrecy. You’ll have to settle for my top tip, instead. Play the clip!
Check out all of my demos here!
Announcing monster trucks is show biz. I’m honoured to be working with a lineup of sensational performers. My job is to project the excitement to the audience. Can you tell by my comments in this interview?
Check out all of my demos here!
“Life is like boxing. Sometimes you get knocked down.” How would you say that line? It’s the genuine emotion behind the reads that packs punch.
Check out all of my demos here!
“Welcome to the world of augmented reality.” How would you say that line? Here’s how I read it to promote events: virtual, hybrid and live. Check it out.
Check out all of my demos here!
Corporate and documentary narration share a need for powerful storytelling. In both cases, you need a collaborative, directable narrator with some vocal versatility. Hear it (here).
Check out all of my demos here!
Engaging TV commercials, like documentaries, tell great stories…sometimes with a fun & friendly voice. You know you want to know more. “There are many legends regarding the seven slots in the JEEP grill…” Check ‘em out
Check out all of my demos here!
Award-winning narration for “Antarctica: The Journey to the End of the Earth:” I think I won the Hollywood award was because I felt in awe. Can you hear that in my voice? Play the Antarctica trailer.
Check out all of my demos and get a quote here!